Monday, March 28, 2011

SPEEDING ticket l

Jeg synes jeg ser en trend i ringen der stadig flere skotteutstillere spurter rundt ringen med skotten (som oftest) på slep. Har tenkt mange ganger at disse menneskene burde ha kjøpt seg greyhound og ikke skotsk terrier. På verdensutstillingen i sommer, for Lillian Lleton, ble jeg kritisert av en prominent utenlandsk oppdretter for å gå for sakte med veteranen min. Det samme inntraff dagen etter for Cindy Pettersson, og det gjorde utrolig godt for meg at Cindy stoppet utstillerne ved minst én anledning for å få ned tempoet i ringen. Det var ren galskap, og minnet mer om en galoppbane enn en utstillingsring. Den karakteristiske gangen til skotten blir jo borte når man setter opp farten for mye, etter min mening.

I nr. 1/2011 av STKs Terrierposten sier Birgitta Hasselgren (Tweed) i et portrettintervju i svar på hva hun synes om utviklingen i hennes rase (westie) og om utviklingen generelt blandt terriere i Sverige følgende: En modern trend som hon ser i många raser inte bara terrier är att hundar ska ha jättelång hals, enorma vinklar bak och springa väldigt fort, det er flashigt och går hem hos många domare. Kommer man nära en sådan hund är det ofta mest päls och presentation, inte så mycket anatomi.

NB! Personene i bildet er helt urelaterte til saken, bortsett fra meg selv, den i blå dress.

There seems to be a new trend in the show ring these days, one in which an ever growing number of Scottie exhibitors sprint around the ring with their Scotties trailing along after their handlers. Several times I have thought that people like this would be better off with a Greyhound, rather than a Scottie. At the World Dog Show in Denmark last year I was criticized by a renound foreign breeder for showing my Scottie too slowly. The exact same thing happened the following day when Cindy Pettersson was judging the Scottie World Show. I felt vindicated when Cindy on more than one occasion had to stop all the participants – to lower the speed in the ring. This new up-tempo way of showing Scotties is sheer madness, I think. It reminds me more of a race track than a show ring. In my opinion the characteristic Scottie gait totally disappears when a Scottie is too quick on the move.

In an interview with Birgitta Hasselgren (Tweed), in the first edition of the Swedish Terrier Club´s magazine Terrierposten this year, Hasselgren was asked about what her thoughs are on developements in her own breed (Westie) and in other Terriers in general. This is her reply: One modern trend she sees in dogs of various breeds, not just in Terriers, is the need for extremely tall necks, excessively large angulations in the rear and running/showing dogs very quickly. This is flashy, and many judges seem to like it. In contact with such a dog one usually discovers thick, cleverly presented coats, but not a lot of anatomy.

NB! Individuals in this photo are not related to this piece, except for myself, the guy in the blue suit. 

Foto: Montasje. Photo: Montage. 

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